Transient Turtle

Blue Aventurine

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Tumbled Blue Aventurine

: 1"

ABOUT: Blue Aventurine is a soothing stone that promotes calmness and mental clarity. Known for its tranquil blue hue, it is often used to enhance communication and self-expression, particularly in situations that require confidence and clear articulation. Blue Aventurine is believed to bring emotional healing, helping to release past wounds and encourage a positive outlook on life. It can also stimulate the throat chakra, facilitating open and honest communication, while boosting creativity and problem-solving abilities.

Blue Aventurine should be cleansed with water or under the moonlight to keep its peaceful and balancing energy strong.


CHAKRA: 5th Chakra // Throat // Vishuddha

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN(S): Sagittarius // Pisces // Virgo